This fall, six storytellers are traveling to Rwanda to meet the incredible men and women served by HOPE International, sharing in their various areas of influence.


Meet the trip participants

Follow the #2019InvestinginDreamsTrip trip

A holistic approach to poverty alleviation

In obedience to Christ’s command to love our neighbor and make disciples of all nations, HOPE International provides discipleship opportunities, training, a safe place to save, and loans.



Through regular interactions with clients, staff members share the Gospel, facilitate Bible studies, and invite clients to experience lasting transformation through a relationship with Jesus Christ.



Because many clients have had limited access to formal education, HOPE’s network offers biblically based training, mentoring, and coaching to help clients start or expand their businesses.



Clients regularly save money to stabilize household income, provide a safety net in emergencies, start or expand businesses, or pay for household expenses such as school fees.



As they access much-needed capital, clients can launch or expand businesses by purchasing productive assets, buying supplies in bulk, improving inventory, or investing in improvements.

You can accelerate the end of poverty.

As you follow along with this trip to Rwanda, we invite you to join in our mission. A $20 gift will allow HOPE to serve 12 families per year.

Partner with us

Go deeper and learn more

Want to learn more about HOPE’s holistic approach to poverty alleviation? Read Created to Flourish, co-authored by HOPE’s president and CEO Peter Greer, to go deeper in understanding how lives are being transformed around the world.

Download your free digital copy of Created to Flourish.